Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Different This Time, Baby

I know everyone's seen this train wreck already:

Peterson pulled the "It's just a social experiment, Bro!" card and claimed he was trying to think of a way to reduce tensions between the Left and Right. It was a transparent walk away from the backlash, naturally. It was amusing he thought he could fill the roll of the "genius healer" we apparently all need.

But it was more interesting to see that excuse followed up by this:

Is this the next narrative pitch coming down at us from the Left? "If you just start losing again, things can go back to normal. We'll totally start being civil, nice, and reasonable if you stop all of this nasty winning. Can't you see you're forcing us to be mean?"Apparently they think we're tired of winning, or at least tired of fighting.

It's probably projection on their part. They are absolutely getting tired of having an actual fight and so is everyone they know. Even the RINO quislings they rub shoulders with are tired of readjusting their bowties. And since that's the only Right they know personally, they assume we're all feeling drained instead of invigorated.

They're emotionally exhausted and battered by loss after loss after loss. Even by cranking up the crazy and throwing larger and larger tantrums, they're not getting their way. So of course they want to deescalate - or rather, they want us to deescalate so they can go back to a quiet war where no one fights back.

I can see how this pitch might work on Centrists, RINOs, and the most cowardly Civ-Nats. "Listen guys, the Left has totally learned their lesson and they'll never be mean or try to destroy the lives of innocent men again." Maybe there are a few Boomers hoping for a peaceful Thanksgiving with their psychotic daughters-in-law that'll go for it.

I'm not sure how hard or long the Usual Suspects are going to push this meme. I hope it's a big part of their new strategy for the Midterms now that Kavanaugh is confirmed. It's a wonderful mixture of childish ("You owe us a win! It's our turn to win!") and a transparent lie ("It'll be different this time, baby!") that not even the Republicans can lose to it.

Now, there also seems to be a strong current of "Now that Kavanaugh is in, we are justified in being as violent as we want" going around. My guess is that we're in A/B testing for now while the Left sees which message has legs. Of course, it's possible they'll target one message outwards ("We'll be nice this time") and one message inwards ("We can be as violent as we want"), which is the best case scenario.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is partly a consequence of the current internal conflict/transition in the Dems. Oversimplified, progressives are pushing "We can be as violent as we want" and the corp dems are more "We'll be nice this time". The winner, if there is one, gets to control the party. Hilary will say anything in order to control the party. If there isn't a winner, then it gets interesting. If I were DJT and Co., I would have a lot of gasoline on hand to pour on that particular fire.
