The board is set, the rules have been read, and the terrain has been scouted. So, how do we win?
The first thing to do is to define our victory conditions. Since Vox's power comes from crumbling institutions and escalating (rhetorical) violence, our victory conditions are stable institutions and de-escalating violence.
The first thing to do is to define our victory conditions. Since Vox's power comes from crumbling institutions and escalating (rhetorical) violence, our victory conditions are stable institutions and de-escalating violence.
There are debates on the meaning of "irony," but it just may apply to a great and mighty Defender of Civilization whose interests are best served by the collapse of social institutions and the spread of chaos.
These victory conditions can only be met if we do three things:
1). Earn the moral high-ground.
2). Engage the enemy face-to-face.
3). End the Puppy Kerfuffle.
Earn the Moral High Ground
The most important thing here is to de-escalate whenever possible. That doesn't mean you should go run and hide, it means to maintain respect and kindness at all times. And while this may be important for online interactions, it goes double for IRL events. You don't win hearts and minds by shooting people in their...well, in their hearts and minds. You do it by feeding and clothing people, by washing their feet.
Again, this is not about giving ground intellectually, it's about treating human beings like human beings instead of Captain Planet villains. Hug a Puppy. By them lunch. Invite them over to discuss their favorite books. They may never be your best friend, but they may begin to see you as human.
Vox can win the snarky rhetoric game every time. Can he win the charity game? There's only one way to find out.
Engage the Enemy Face-to-Face
Let's face it: shunning Vox has worked about as well as ignoring that strange lump growing beneath your skin. As he rightly says, he was pushed off of a platform so he went and built his own. And build it has and build it shall.
Containment is no longer an option, but neither is going nuclear. Again, in 4GW how the conflict is carried out matters more than who's right and who's wrong. If Vox's opponents keep a neutral, emotionally detached tone, his assholery will be all the more apparent. Stick to the facts and, if all possible, be friendly.
Vox is entirely capable of maintaining this sort of self-control, and he usually does.
The classic Vox Day Twitter-Exchange Pattern usually goes:
1. Vox says something triggering, but says it in a neutral tone.
2. Opponent tries to call Vox out on being a racist/misogynist/jackass.
3. Vox appeals to science/reason/logic, implies opponent is ignorant/illogical.
4. Opponent lashes out emotionally instead of countering with science/reason/logic.
5. Vox can now be as gigantically gaping an asshole as he pleases because "they started it!"
And he's right! The first person to flip out and resort to unsubstantiated personal attacks always loses the debate. They forfeit the moral high ground, and thus the argument. So don't respond with insults and dismissals, respond with links to evidence and politeness. It doesn't matter how painfully obviously wrong you think he is, you're going to have to claw for every inch and every concession.
I think that Vox can be counter-goaded into giving up the high-ground. How long can he keep purely rational in an extended debates? I don't know because none of his opponents have engaged him in one. How would he react to someone taking his ideas seriously and providing well-thought out responses?
So learn to think like the enemy. I don't care how much you hate Vox Day; if you want to go after him, you first have to understand where he's coming from. Read Vox Populi daily. Buy a few of his books. Read the articles and papers he cites as evidence and do some research of your own. If you don't know what your enemy is planning, you will never be able to see the difference between a feint and the killing blow.
End the Puppy Kerfuffle
So now we have the moral and mental high ground. This will go a long way towards depleting Vox's power, but we're not done yet.
The next step is to divide and conquer - or rather, to divide and love. "Conquer" sets the wrong frame of mind. The goal is not to bend enemies to our hideous will but to, you know, have fun reading Sci-Fi novels and playing video games with people. This means taking some responsibility on our side as well. Are we standing up for wider representation or demonizing Europeans? Are we voting for the best Sci-Fi (subjective as that may be) or for stunt novels? Or worse, for the best Tor novel?
De-escalations are not easy. It will mean listening to former enemies with open ears. It will take soul-searching and a mutual setting down of grinding axes. But the alternative is to let people like Vox dominate the conversation. You don't de-escalate a 4GW conflict by demanding your enemies submit or die, you de-escalate by learning to live together.
Vox has been very good about blocking attempts to split the Sad Puppies from the Rabids. From his perspective, that would be the worst case scenario. Fragmentation helps 4GW movements on the whole, but a movement that does not navigate the shifting alliances carefully will quickly find itself dismantled.
Fortunately, Vox's extreme views means that he is sitting on a higher concentration of fault lines than Japan. It is likely not a question of if his base will split, but when. We're going to look at one of those potential fault lines and how it could be exploited.
Specifically, we're going to talk about race. Vox self-identifies as non-White while championing ideas that generally only White Supremacists find acceptable. To be specific, the idea that "races" are legitimate concepts created by genetic differences among human subgroups, and that some races are inherently, genetically more intelligent than others. However, perusing the comments sections of Vox Populi posts shows that some (some!) of his followers criticize him for not being racist enough. Believe it or not, Vox fails at being a White Supremacist.
The difficulty, of course, is that exploiting this weakness would be both immoral and a strategic blunder. I can see the headlines now: "SJWs Attack Vox Day for Not Being a True White Supremacist! MLK Clocks 1500 RPM in Grave!" Attacking Puppies as a group of White Supremacists is already a big enough blunder. A 5 minute search shows they are a diverse lot, even if that diversity includes White Supremacists.
Fortunately, Vox has racial fault lines on both the right and the left.
White Supremacists are reasonable people, willing to line up behind Vox while he's winning. So are socially conservative Sci-Fi fans. It is all well and good when Vox is giving their mutual enemies black eyes. So long as Vox can keep the spotlight on how evil the SJWs are, he can divert attention away from his own views. The trick is to put the Dark Lord's views back into the spotlight. What was once joined can yet be separated.
One of the most interesting moments of GamerGate was when the "ethics in game journalism" people closed ranks with the psychotic misogynists. What caused this to happen? Here's one interpretation:
- Psychotic misogynists use "corruption in game industry" as a cover to attack people they hate.
- Ethics people are delighted that their bandwagon suddenly has so many people, fail to ask where they came from.
- Game journalists lump the Ethics people and the psychotic misogynists together in an attempt to discredit both.
- Ethics people and psychotics double-team the game journalists.
- Petty arguments over what percentage of GamerGaters are psychotic misogynists.
When you are in a foxhole, fighting a war, you do not care if the person next to you is psychotic. You care about killing the people on the other side of the field that are shooting you. By attacking both the Ethics people and the psychotic misogynists, the game journalists drove them into the same foxhole.
We see a similar situation with the Rabid Puppies and the Sad Puppies. Attacking the Sad Puppies as crypto-fascists looking to destroy Sci-Fi drove them into the arms of a group which is perfectly fine with destroying Sci-Fi fandom.
But being in a foxhole with a psychotic isn't a very fun position. You're shooting at the enemy and they're out collecting human ears for a necklace. Human beings are very good at rationalizing atrocities performed by their friends, but there's still a point where you realize your best friend's collection of thumbs reflects poorly on you.
Old-school Sci-Fi fans may not be the most walk-on-eggshells sensitive people, but they also have no dedication to racist ideologies or political conspiracy theories. An extended, public debate with Vox on race could draw him out enough expose his flanks. There is a limit to what most people can stomach.
Multiply this concept by the number of controversial views Vox has, and you start to see the possibilities. None of this will matter to his hardcore supporters, but then, the only thing that could potentially dissuade them is long-term de-escalation. The fringe hangers-on can be shaken loose.
The 2015 Hugos were likely a win for Vox. The Puppies did not win any Hugos, but goading the opposition into No Awarding (worse, gloating about No Awarding) seems to have moved a significant number of fence-sitters into the Rabid Camp. Enough to seize the 2016 Hugos? Maybe. Enough to repeat the "No Award" votes and flip more people to the Rabid Camp? Probably.
As it stands, the Goliath Vox has issued challenges to many figures in the Sci-Fi community. Are there no Davids among them? This is the perfect opportunity for a SJW Xanatos gambit. If Vox does poorly, then his huffing and puffing is revealed as bluster and he is publicly humiliated. If Vox does well, he can still be goaded into making statements that make some supporters uncomfortable enough to distance themselves.
Yes, there is a chance that giving Vox a platform like a public debate could legitimize him. But it could also give him enough rope to hang himself.
Part Four: Conclusions