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#NotAllWhiteMenInBowties |
Now, I understand why some people didn’t like having the phrase shoved in their faces. Even if you accept that you benefit from structural discrimination, there is still an authoritarian tone to the meme. “Check your privilege” – or else, what? An implied threat lingers over the words.
The phrase may rankle when it comes from the outside (from a rainbow haired twit denouncing your Chinese tattoo as worse than the Rape of Nanking), but it can be a very positive thing when it comes from the inside.
Once you come to realize that "Check your privilege" can be a step on the road to "know thyself" it starts to feel less of an imposition. Know how the world sees you, and that it would treat you differently if you looked differently. In this positive sense, it is a call for self-awareness and humility, not to hate yourself for being white, male, CIS, or whatever.
But life is nothing without balance. For every angel, there is a devil; for every proton, an electron. While “Check your privilege” can be a good thing, it must have its necessary counter-balance.
Which takes us to “Calibrate your rage.”
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Uncalibrated rages may result in nuclear explosions |
We live in a perpetually outraged society; a world where every man is a rapist and every woman is a gold digger. A world where every immigrant is a potential terrorist and every gun owner a potential spree-killer. I know people that get more angry about white people wearing kimonos than the South East Asian sex trade.
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"Stop appropriating your own culture!" |
Take a moment to calibrate your rage today. When you find yourself boiling over with righteous indignation about a shitlord who microaggressed you on Tumblr, go read a few pages of Mein Kampf. Heck, go read a few pages of The Turner Diaries. Expose yourself to someone who literally wants to swing you from a lamppost, and then reconsider if that asshole on Tumblr is still worth getting upset over.
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Suddenly, I'm not as angry about the cultural appropriation of Hip-Hop |
It’s good to get angry, sometimes. Angry gets shit done. But when we live in a state of perpetual hyper-sensitized outrage, angry can get too much shit done. It gets shit done that should not be done. It encourages us to do more evil than we would if we just took a step back, and understood that this was not the hill to kill and die on.
If you calibrate your rage today, I guarantee that the worst thing that will happen is that you will be less angry about things that do not matter. If the person pissing you off is doing something that is actually evil, putting it into context will only remove any lingering doubts you may have. And then, you can hit back twice as hard.
So take a breath. Look at the big picture. Calibrate your rage.
Hello The Rev 3.0,
ReplyDeleteWhile I for the most part agree with the thrust of this post, there are a few things I think would be worth going over.
Lets talk about "privilege."
First, I think it is good to realize how "privileged" one is, though I think I have a slightly different understanding of what that means. I am "privileged" to be an American. I understand that being a citizen here is a great step up from being a citizen in most other places in the world. I am also white of primarily northern European ancestry. I don't see that as offering me any "privilege" beyond the biological benefits of being more likely to have a fairly high IQ and low time preference. Northern Europeans create good countries to live in. So a N. European living in a good country isn't really much of a "privilege" as it is just an outgrowth of how N. Europeans act. I would say that a black person living in a good country that was mostly created and maintained by white people is much more "privileged" then a black person living in a primarily black country. We can see this based on how many black people want to live in white countries, countries with standards of living that black people (as a group) are incapable of creating on their own.
I am guessing that you are a Japanese/White mix. I have been to Japan (Tokyo). In many bars and other businesses there will be signs that say something to the effect of "Japanese only" or "no foreigners". Not most, but there are enough to be noticed. Something you will learn if you ever travel and live in places around the world in areas that are not 'touristy' is that white Americans and N. Europeans (as a group) are the LEAST racist people in the world. You think blacks are discriminated against here? Ha! Try East Asia (if you can even find any). White people go so far as to create laws and policies to disadvantage their own children to try to help out non-whites! Where in the world else do you see that!? The only "multicultural" countries are white countries. People say that we deserve it because of colonialism (so they kind of unknowingly point out that multiculturalism is a form of punishment), but Turkey, Japan, and many other countries were colonialist too, and much less of a benefit to the areas they colonized then say, the British. Why do we never hear that they must be flooded? Sweden never colonized Africa or the Mid-East, yet feel the need to let in and pay for some of the worst people from those places. It seems to me that the truly "privileged" people in white countries are the non-whites that the white people have let live there, as the only reason they are living there is because they think they can do better living in a white country then they could living in a county made up of there own people.
I see that you re-tweeted an link to a post titled: "Envisioning Whiteness" that I read. That post is an example of what I like to call "leftist context denial" where they never look at the whole picture of history or the whole picture of a current event. I could give examples of what I mean by that if you want.
An example of "male privilege" right here:
"A world where every immigrant is a potential terrorist and every gun owner a potential spree-killer."
DeleteWell, to be fair, they are POTENTIALLY a terrorist and POTENTIALLY a spree-killer. Just like the USA could POTENTIALLY invade Canada and embark on a violet campaign to cleanse the world of Canadian scum. Someone could POTENTIALLY do many things, but it doesn't mean they ever will or that we should live our lives focusing incessantly on all the things someone could POTENTIALLY do. There could POTENTIALLY be a comet that we POTENTIALLY have not seen yet that could POTENTIALLY crash into the earth and destroy the world next year, POTENTIALLY....
But I get what you are saying, I am just being a dick now.
"Even if you accept that you benefit from structural discrimination..."
DeleteI don't accept that. Not one bit. The "structural discrimination" is mostly against white males (and also against Asians in some cases) within the US. I assert that there is NO "structural discrimination" against blacks within the US. None. If you disagree with this assertion, please feel free to respond with examples of present day (say the last 10 years) "structural discrimination" against blacks within the US. I will then disillusion you of those ideas.
Have a great day!
Something I forgot to add. There is "structural discrimination" in FAVOR of blacks, but in many cases, those leftist policies just end up hurting them.
Hey Anon!
ReplyDeleteFirst, I want to point out that we may be using the term 'systematic' differently. You seem to be using it to refer to governmental/institutional policies - in which case, I will fully grant that Whites and Asians are systematically discriminated against. To be clear, I think this is a bad thing. Reverse discrimination is still discrimination.
I am using 'systematic' to refer to cultural systems - such as the unofficial discrimination against foreigners, and Blacks in particular, in Japan and East Asia.
I lived in Japan for five years, in both the cities and the countryside. Almost without exception, my White friends were given preferential treatment over my Black/Latino/non-Japanese Asian friends.
Now, there is no law in Japan saying "You must discriminate against Blacks in favor of Whites," but the systematic cultural discrimination was laughably predictable.
So, and forgive me if this verges on Strawmanning, let's break down the logic of these two concepts:
"Whites don't have 'systematic privilege!'"
"East Asians freely discriminate against Blacks!"
So, Blacks have no structural disadvantages, other than generally being hated more than Whites? So there are people, entire nations even, that start out with the assumption that Blacks are scum? So, if I am a highly educated, hard working Black (in your terms, the right end of the bell curve), there are institutions, cultures, and nations that will nonetheless assume I am a Ghetto stereotype?
At the risk of digging up old topics, this ties in neatly to the Profit Motive. Even in the international job market, right-of-the-curve Blacks have less options and opportunities than Whites - because of systematic cultural discrimination.
We can still argue over the extent to which these systematic privileges exist in the USA, but you seem to have pointed out that they do actually exist in some countries.
Hey Rev,
ReplyDelete"First, I want to point out that we may be using the term 'systematic' differently. You seem to be using it to refer to governmental/institutional policies - in which case, I will fully grant that Whites and Asians are systematically discriminated against. To be clear, I think this is a bad thing. Reverse discrimination is still discrimination.
I am using 'systematic' to refer to cultural systems - such as the unofficial discrimination against foreigners, and Blacks in particular, in Japan and East Asia."
You never used the word "systematic" in your post, nor did I use it in my responses to your post. The first time "systematic" was used was in your response to my response. I'm not sure what you are talking about.....
Anyway, if you want, we can talk "systematic."
Systematic: done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical.
The crazy thing is, I think that what you imagined I had said about "systematic" still fits better then your actual use of it.
You did talk about "structural discrimination" in your post. Now, I know that that is just a bullshit SJW phrase that they love to throw around to scare people into giving them money and power; but just for the sake of argument, I will go along with their definition of it.
Structural Discrimination: When an entire network of rules and practices disadvantages less empowered groups while serving at the same time to advantage the dominant group
So it has to be a NETWORK of rules and practices. I think the laws, and university and business practices qualify. For some reason in your response to my responses you started talking about how Japanese treated black people mean in Japan. I find it odd as I was the one who pointed that out (Korea is even worse). The whole reason I pointed that out was to contrast it with the USA. I was never arguing that "structural discrimination" (the phrase you DID use in your post) didn't exist in other parts of the world against non-whites. What I was arguing was that there was NO "structural discrimination" against non-white (except Asians in some cases) people in the USA, and that in fact the real "structural discrimination" in the USA was against whites (and in some cases Asians). You agreed that at least within governmental/institutional policies, I was right. It seems to me that governmental/institutional policies would be the most important areas as the government can take away peoples property and freedom, and institutions can prevent people from gaining or keeping employment or access to accreditation in fields.
In any case, I am totally fine with the Japanese having 'Japanese privilege' in Japan. Why? Because it's freak'n JAPAN. It is their nation, not anyone else's! If Japanese business owners what to put up signs that say "Japanese only," I am totally cool with that.
Delete"We can still argue over the extent to which these systematic privileges exist in the USA,..."
That was really all I was arguing. Well, that and that the white western countries are getting a raw deal due to a major world double standard when it comes to 'multiculturalism.'
".......but you seem to have pointed out that they do actually exist in some countries."
Yes, to show that non-whites have it really good in white countries! That it is the non-whites who are 'privileged', just by the fact that white people have let them live here. They have a standard of living much higher then they would have if they lived in countries governed by their own co-elthnics. They have more protections under the law, too. Not only that, but white people have created a system that actively tries to help non-whites at the expense of white people. You are making my point! Non-whites should really stop with all the bitching in the USA. Non-White, Non-East Asian people (as a group) are not capable of creating countries anywhere on par with the USA or Japan. And Japan isn't about to let in a whole bunch of low IQ foreigners. Only white westerners are that nice (and stupid). The only reason there are so many people of low IQ groups always bitching in the USA about white people, is because we were nice enough to let them in to live here and not kill or expel them all. We even give them free money and advantages in schooling and the job market. We even have 'hate crime' laws that are for the most part only ever enforced against white people. And those fucks have the nerve to attack white people! Where the fuck else would they be treated better!? Tell me that! Their own people wouldn't treat them anywhere as nice as American white people do.
It is non-whites in the USA who are the ones who need to 'check their privilege.'
You're right! I brain-farted "systematic" in place of "structural." Mea Culpa.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I think you may be dismissing informal "structural" bias too quickly. A "network" does not necessarily mean a "formal network." For example, what about laws preventing housing discrimination?
I don't think either of us believe there is a shadowy cabal of Secret Racists working in the Real Estate industry. But it's also fairly well documented that some Real Estate agents steer non-Whites away from White neighborhoods. You may or may not consider this a good thing (are you pro-segregation?), but it is most definitely a thing. Affirmative Action policies are meant to counter unofficial networks of discrimination, not official networks (official racial discrimination having gone out with Jim Crow).
I agree that Japan was a tangent. The argument that "the slaves on this plantation have it pretty good because the slaves over on that plantation get whipped three times a day instead of two" does not hold water.
Yes, East Asian countries are worse about racism than the USA. For that matter, there are some African countries where being White makes you a target. I assume that the relatively worse plight of Whites in Zimbabwe does not make you feel any better about Affirmative Action in America?
"...white western countries are getting a raw deal due to a major world double standard when it comes to 'multiculturalism.' "
Other countries do have affirmative action policies:
We could argue that the Chinese and Indians are still super-racist. Then again, we could also argue that this is why the Chinese and Indian governments have these policies in the first place. We could further argue the same thing about America.
I mean, you probably won't argue that, but I will.
"Their own people wouldn't treat them anywhere as nice as American white people do."
Very recently, yes. I'll give you from the end of Jim Crow laws for the official discrimination and the rise of Political Correctness for unofficial discrimination. So what - being non-white in America has been a pretty sweet deal since around the 1980s?
People come to America/Europe because these countries are rich. These countries are rich because of scientific advances and colonialism. You really think America/Europe would be as wealthy as they are without invading and occupying the countries that these immigrants are coming from?
I'll grant that we're in the post-colonial era now, but people don't forget so quickly. Cuban-Americans haven't forgiven Castro, Taiwan is still mad at Mao, the South still curses Lincoln.
Also, I am completely fine with non-whites, non-men, non-CIS, non-heterosexuals checking their privilege. A rainbow-haired twink in America is way better off than the heterosexual male sweatshop worker who made their iPhone in China.
ReplyDeleteOr perhaps a better phrase is "Calibrate Your Rage." Liberals don't like to confront their own role in sucking up resources and encouraging systems of slavery. It's not just the Kings of Sweden ruining the world anymore. Qara Olam, motherfuckers.
Hey Rev,
ReplyDelete"I don't think either of us believe there is a shadowy cabal of Secret Racists working in the Real Estate industry. But it's also fairly well documented that some Real Estate agents steer non-Whites away from White neighborhoods. You may or may not consider this a good thing ..."
It is a good thing. See:
"(are you pro-segregation?)"
I am pro-self determination. I think if people want to live in all white or all black areas, and keep out others from living there, that is OK. If people want to live in a multi-racial area, that is OK too. What I don't like is the government creating policies to force nice neighborhoods to take in people they don't want to take in. I don't like the government giving money to shitty people and having them move into nice, low crime areas. They just end up destroying the areas that they move into, and the property values and tax base collapse, and the crime rate goes up. That is what happened in Ferguson. It used to be nice and had a white super majority, but the government created Section 8 housing there and now it is mostly black, the crime rate has gone up, and the property values and tax base has collapsed. For most middle class Americans, their house is their largest economic investment and asset. When the government creates policies that destroy the value of that asset, it really hurts good, responsible people. I don't see why it is bad for the people of a town or neighborhood to get together to try to prevent that from happening.
In general, I think that the government should treat everyone the same, but private individuals and groups should be able to discriminate as much as they want to.
"The argument that "the slaves on this plantation have it pretty good because the slaves over on that plantation get whipped three times a day instead of two" does not hold water."
Right now non-whites in the USA are bitching about "micro-aggressions"..... Need I say more?
"I assume that the relatively worse plight of Whites in Zimbabwe does not make you feel any better about Affirmative Action in America?"
DeleteFirst, Zimbabwe is a black country. Secondly, back when it was white-run Rhodesia, black people from Rhodesia's black run neighboring countries wanted to move and live there. Now that Zimbabwe is black run, not just whites are leaving, but blacks are leaving too. Many black Zimbabweans are going to South Africa, and the black South African's are killing them by lighting them on fire.
South Africa has fairly good constitutional protections in regard to self-determination (one of the few good things about SA), thanks to the nature of how power was transferred to the blacks from the whites. It was a negotiated transfer, not an overthrow. Plus the white percentage of the population at the time power was transferred was about 20%. In Rhodesia it was only 5%. I think today the white percentage of the SA population is down to 7%.
A 10 min video about some of the issues in SA:
A 2 min video about Orania: South Africa's whites only town:
So there is a town that is all white, but it can't be a 'town' for that reason. It is a private corporation, which means that it not only has to pay for its self, but it has to pay taxes to the South African government, too. So it gets NO money or help from the SA government, and has to pay taxes to that same government, yet it is prosperous and basically crime-free. I think letting Americans do something like that would be good, but right now private corporations in the USA are prevented from being set up or used for that reason. If whites tried to to that here, they would be shut down and the people prosecuted.
"""...white western countries are getting a raw deal due to a major world double standard when it comes to 'multiculturalism.' "
DeleteOther countries do have affirmative action policies:"
I know that some other countries have affirmative action policies. The point I was trying to get at about 'multiculturalism' is that it is really just the white countries that are expected to be flooded with outsiders. That isn't happening in Japan, Korea, or other rich, non-white countries. There are a lot of south Asians who are working in the rich Gulf oil-states, but they are not allowed to become citizens and are basically indentured servants with no effective rights. It is only white countries where the white majority is expected to lose that status in the coming decades. What other 'dominant' group of people, who had the ability to prevent it, has ever created policies that turn them into a minority. Leftists, to include white leftists, are even celebrating the fact that white people are projected to no longer be a majority in the US and Western Europe in a few decades. This isn't happening anywhere else!
"The policies giving preferential treatment to ethnic minorities in China were modeled after those by the Soviet Union."
"In August 1933, the Prime Minister of Britain, Ramsay Macdonald, introduced the Communal Award, according to which separate representation was to be provided for the Muslims, Sikhs, Indian Christians, Anglo-Indians, Europeans, Dalit. The depressed classes were assigned a number of seats to be filled by election from special constituencies in which voters belonging to the depressed classes only could vote.
The Award was highly controversial and opposed by Mahatma Gandhi, who fasted in protest against it."
It seems that a lot of that is due to white people, too..... Though, yes, there were some cases of that in the past in China not due to western influence. BTW, here is an interesting talk about “China, America, and the Chinese in America”
Oh, and a video of black people rioting in China:
Anyway, those are in countries where they are trying to keep NATIVE minorities quite and calm. In the USA, some African just off the boat, or a Mexican who broke into the country gets befits that white people who's families have been here for centuries don't. An immigrant or child of an immigrant who is a member of a 'protected class' gets those benefits, too. More black people have come to the US because they wanted to then were ever brought here in the slave trade. In many states, illegal aliens get in-state tuition prices! They are better off then American citizens from other states when it comes to paying for collage!
Not only that, but immigrants, both legal and illegal, are more likely to use welfare in the US then citizens. 62% of households headed by an illegal immigrant participated in at least one welfare program in 2012, compared to 49% of legal immigrant-headed households and 30% of native-headed households.
The pro-immigration people say how great it will be for our economy. Well, no. They go on welfare. Here is Obama’s illegal aunt talking about how much we owe her:
"We could argue that the Chinese and Indians are still super-racist. Then again, we could also argue that this is why the Chinese and Indian governments have these policies in the first place. We could further argue the same thing about America.
ReplyDeleteI mean, you probably won't argue that, but I will."
Blacks, Latinos, and Asians in the USA are much more 'racist' then whites in the USA. Latinos have slowly but surely been ethnically cleansing southern California of black people. Black people will often target Asians for attack and robbery. Asians sure as fuck are more discriminatory toward Blacks then white people are. But it's white people who have to be discriminated against under the law and policies due to their 'racism'.
"So what - being non-white in America has been a pretty sweet deal since around the 1980s?"
It has been a pretty sweet deal since America was founded. Even for slaves. African slaves that were brought to the southern colonies that would become the South Eastern USA were better off going there then anywhere else. They would have been slaves regardless. These where people who where enslaved by other Africans. So they could have stayed as slaves in Africa, with other Africans as their masters, or they could have been taken to the Caribbean or to Latin America. Slaves in Africa, the Caribbean, and in Latin America were treated far worse then those in the US. In fact, US slaves where taller due to better nutrition and healthcare then were white Russian serfs. Black slaves in the US had a higher standard of living then most other people in the world at that time. I am not saying slavery was a good thing, but that it was going to happen regardless. And if you were going to be a slave at that time, you were better off living in the US. Not only that, but your descendants were much better off once slavery was ended, as compared to the descendants of slaves in other places. Hell, Haiti got its independence in a slave revolt. How did that work out for the black people there today? I think you are better off being a descendant of American slaves then descendant from slaves (or even non-slaves in may cases) from anywhere else.
Not only that, but why did Japanese and Chinese people come here before the 1980's? Why did Latinos come here before then? It seems that even in 'racist' old America, they were still treated less bad by white people then they would have been in their own countries.
We know what a country founded by African Americans would turn out like, see Liberia. It seems that black Americans are far better off under what you call "structural discrimination" in majority white America, then they would be under there own devices, free from "white privilege."
Delete"People come to America/Europe because these countries are rich."
Yes, and I am sure they would like to go to Japan and South Korea, too, but those countries don't let them in. People also go to the rich gulf oil states, but don't really have any rights when they get there, and are basically indentured servants. Worse, actually, as indentured servants could become free citizens once they had completed their contracts. That doesn't happen in the gulf states, and if you are a women, you have a good chance of being raped.
Even if places like Japan or Korea let in large numbers of other people to work, I am sure that most of those people would rather come to the USA or Western Europe, as they would be treated better on average then they would be in East Asia.
"These countries are rich because of scientific advances...."
"....and colonialism."
and NO!
"You really think America/Europe would be as wealthy as they are without invading and occupying the countries that these immigrants are coming from?"
They wouldn't be as wealthy, they would be EVEN MORE wealthy then they are today if they didn't have most of those colonies (there are some exceptions). Colonies cost much more to take and maintain then any benefit that may have come from them. I could find some sources on this for you if you like.
You have put the cart before the horse. Colonies didn't make the home nation rich. The home nation was rich due to scientific and economic advancement, so they were rich and powerful enough to take and hold colonies. How do you think Europe was able to take Africa when Africa was full of all kinds of infectious diseases to which they had no resistance to? White people entering the African interior had a very short lifespan. The reason Europe was able to colonize Africa was that it was already rich and scientifically advanced enough to understand diseases and able to develop vaccines, cures, and other counter-messures. There is NO way Europe could have done what they did in Africa if it was not so. Colonies were really more of an expensive status symbol. People do love to status signal.
Switzerland never had any colonies, and it is one of the richest countries in the world per capita. The Swiss are better off then any of the big European countries that had a history of colonialism.
Not only that, but Switzerland is one of the only 'rich' nations in the world that is also land-locked. Luxembourg is another, and it didn't have any colonies. Can you think of any non-European countries that are both land-locked AND rich? The Nordic countries are rich, and they never had any non-European holdings (except for Greenland, not really a wellspring of wealth).
"I'll grant that we're in the post-colonial era now, but people don't forget so quickly. Cuban-Americans haven't forgiven Castro, Taiwan is still mad at Mao, the South still curses Lincoln."
Well, Castro hurt Cuba and made it poorer, and Mao hurt China and made it poorer. White people made Africa and Asia better and richer.
"Liberals don't like to confront their own role in sucking up resources and encouraging systems of slavery."
I wouldn't call it "slavery," but yeah, liberals are almost always huge hypocrites.
Anyway, what HBD blog have you been creeping on? Have you watched the "Make the World Flat" video yet?
End of posts.
Shoot, one more thing:
"Check Your Privilege" is just a liberal's way of saying "I have no factual way to counter what you just said, so shut up, white boy."
ReplyDeleteEven in Canada, black college students are crying about racism and demanding more gibsmedat. CANADA! A country with NO history of slavery. The country that black escaped slaves from the US South would escape TO using the underground railroad. Even in Canada, blacks demand more and more bullshit.
Enjoy the video.
ReplyDeleteI've been travelling all weekend (JLPT) and will be travelling all week (business trip), so I just want to warn you that I'm probably not going to reply for a while.
Also, I've been creeping on JayMan's.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have been enjoying your trips.
ReplyDeleteAnother HBD type blog you may be interested in. It also covers other things, too.
A talk by Charles Murray that you should check out:
Hey again, Rev.
ReplyDeleteSomething I would like you to consider.
Student A said this:
"This is my only warning. At 10 a.m. on Monday mourning (sic) I am going to the campus quad of the University of Chicago. I will be armed with a M-4 Carbine and 2 Desert Eagles all fully loaded. I will execute aproximately (sic) 16 white male students and or staff, which is the same number of time (sic) Mcdonald (sic) was killed. I then will die killing any number of white policemen that I can in the process. This is not a joke. I am to do my part to rid the world of the white devils. I expect you to do the same….”
Student B said this in response to a #blackwomenmatter tag:
“They matter, they’re just not hot.”
I have a question I would like for you to ask yourself before you check out the links. Guess which student is back on campus taking classes again, and which student is banned from campus..... I'll wait.
So a black person can threaten to commit mass murder against white people, both faculty and students, on campus in America, and then say he will murder white cops who come to stop him, and the university system will just let them right back in. I guess they need their to keep their black quota or something. Maybe it is OK because he said he would only kill white people, because everyone knows, white lives don't matter.
A white person can say that black women matter, but that he doesn't find them physically attractive, on an non-school related website, never talking about the collage at all, and he is banned from campus!
Yes, that's bullshit. I agree. If a white guy threatened to go all Columbine, he would be in jail. If a black guy made a joke online about white women being unattractive, he'd probably get a book deal.
DeleteComplete tangent, but when was the last time you were outraged about something bad happening to a black person?